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User Documentation
You know PricePoint. But maybe you need a refresher on some of the details. Or maybe you’re coaching a colleague on the PricePoint platform. Whatever your need, here is our user training documentation to help guide you step-by-step for PricePoint Portal, TariffEngine, and Mover2Mover.
Our Customer Support team is happy to assist you with any additional questions you may have.

PricePoint Portal International Guide for Bookers
A user guide for bookers participating in one of PricePoint Portal International panels, that covers the portal workflow from bidding a move through invoicing.
PricePoint Portal Domestic Guide for Bookers
A user guide for bookers participating in one of PricePoint Portal domestic panels, that covers the portal workflow from bidding a move through invoicing.
PricePoint Portal Guide for RMCs/Clients
A user guide for RMCs or Corporate clients who use PricePoint Portal that covers the process from creating a shipment, awarding the move, and tracking the pricing evolution throughout the 5 stages of the move.
Portal Booker Coordination Fees Instruction Form
Use this form if you need to update your Booker Coordination Fees.
PricePoint Allowance and Shipping Lane Guide
Information on allowances.

Mover2Mover (Paid Subscriber) User Guide
This user guide for paid Mover2Mover subscribers will show you how to get the best use out of the M2M tools: Calculator, Analysis, and EZ-RFP.
Mover2Mover (Free Subscriber) User Guide
This user guide for free users will show you how to get the best use out of the M2M Calculator.

TariffEngine User Guide
This document will take you step by step through the process of creating your rates and it contains everything you need to know to successfully manage your tariffs in the TariffEngine platform.
PricePoint Tariff Rules
PricePoint works because there is a standard set of rules for tariff entry to allow apples-to-apples comparison. Be sure to review the inclusions/exclusions and reach out to support@pricepointmoves.com if you have any questions before getting started.
Review Tariff Entries
How to quickly review your current Tariff rates in TariffEngine